Friday, March 23, 2012

Ship Computer

There are a lot of things that cannot be done only using keys. For examples when you are (oh well.. will be..) docked into a station, probably you want to do some "shopping": buy some stuffs to sells into other planets.
To organize this i need a GUI (Graphical User Interface). I don't need all the buttons/widget of windows but some of them should be useful for my purpose.
I've found a very good open source library that seems to be perfect for my need. It's name is CEGUI, is totally free and, best of all, it integrates well with Ogre3D.
The documentation is not so user friendly, but for now i was able to create listboxes, checkboxes, buttons, frames, tabbed windows, icons and it should be enough for my purpose.

A brief video that shows you a ship computer prototype: i've also rendered a monitor (with some reflection inside :) ) and.. oh well, good watch and please send me all feedbacks you want.

Monday, March 5, 2012


The lens flare now is obscured when some object occuldes the light source.

Ho sistemato un po' le lens flare. Rispetto a prima (finalmente), l'effetto sparisce non appena un oggetto si posiziona davanti alla fonte luminosa, com'รจ giusto che sia.
L'effetto e' molto preciso, come potete vedere dal filmato ad esempio quando il sole si intravede attraverso i piloni della stazione spaziale. Quel che ancora manca e' l'effetto di dissolvenza tra "acceso" e spento, ma la cosa e' tutt'altro che banale. Anche se qualche idea ce l'ho.