Monday, January 30, 2012

Laser, explosions and fleet

100 starships trying to reach me.. But i've an AWESOME laser and i kill them! :)

(no sure that there's anyone reading this blog, so sorry for the short message...)


Anonymous said...

Ha, there's at least one person reading it! :) I've been pining for a proper modern successor to the Frontier series, with all the realistic touches that made those games great. Glad to see you're making good progress.

PdG said...

Hi Cameron! :) Unfortunatelly i've a job because i need to earn money.. and this job doesn't let me develop my game as good as i'd like.

I'm born in the wrong side of the earth :(

Anonymous said...

Certo che c'è qualcuno che ti legge :D

se metti un pò di effetto al laser (glow? non so come si chiama= e magari lo rendi come flusso e non come barra rossa ci siamo.

figo che vengano a cercarti le navi :D


PandaR1 said...

Qui diventa appassionante vedere se finisce prima l'universo come lo conosciamo o tau ceti...

Briareos said...

Beh pero' potrebbe sempre uscire tau ceti ben prima di non morissimo tutti prima.